Thursday, November 25, 2010

10 Things that I'm Thankful for

My best friend (one of) is in the states for Thanksgiving to see her family. We also celebrated it earlier this year when a friend from Wisconsin came to stay (and I am never, EVER cooking for 16 people ever again - particularly with the bloody bizarre food that Americans call "traditional" - marshmallows melted over sweet potato anyone?!)

I digress. The point I'm making is that I like the concept of Thanksgiving - family arguments and bloated bellies aside. So I thought, what are 10 things that make me happy that I can be thankful for? In no particular order -

1. Swing Dancing (Lindy hop)

I wish I'd discovered this brilliant and incredibly social form of dance earlier on in life, but I'm certainly going to make up for lost time now. And oh the clothes!

The Killer Dillers, international Lindy performance group -
including Perth's own Sharon Davis

2. The love of good friends:

Having grown up primarily as an only child, I have always made my friends my family. These are two key members of the family I choose - my non-blood big brother, and twin sister (Mick and Lara)

La-Rapie chundermuffin (the American) &
The Hairy bear (The Croatian) and I (the Gypsy)

3. Sloe Gin.

Made from sloe berries this is the nectar of the gods, or at least the sweet nectar of showgirls everywhere.

4. Amazing, strong (fashionable) women around me:

This one is especially relevant today, as yesterday my mum's best friend Penny passed away. She was like a second mother to me and was a true inspiration for everything that I am. She was a principal ballet dancer, an actress, an opera singer, an artist, a designer, a comedienne and an overall wonderful woman. My last post referred to my gorgeous mod-tastic mother, and finally I will always pay tribute to my devilish Grandmother Elizabeth, who was a beauty queen back in the day (who's vanity still knows no bounds and who taught me how much fun it is to roll down the windows while going through a car wash!).

Penny in her Opera days

My Grandmother, Oh I would kill for her
wardrobe now!

5. Sushi:

No seriously, I love the stuff. I can't get enough. I think it's a genuine addiction. And the more soy sauce, wasabi, ginger and japanese mayo the better! Nom nom nom.

6. Adult dress ups and Performing:

Ok so really that's two things, but for me they regularly go hand in hand. I love making costumes. I think it springs from the fact that as a child, that was really what my mum could bring to the table. She couldn't cook, and I had the universe's most boring school lunches, but 10 minutes before I was meant to be at a costume party I could declare "Mum, I need a chicken costume" and she could create one out of thin air.
I also love planning, choreographing, costuming and performing dance routines, and I love that I am in the position to be able to do that (and actually get paid for it!) as my burlesque alias Ella Jezebella, and my GoGo alias at Devilles, Zopocalypse.

My costume for Halloween show "Martini's with the Devil".
I was a Voodoo Witch. (Photo by Jacqueline Jane for
the Twisted Vaudeville Circus)

Performing my Voodoo Witch samba act

7. Travel:

I have been lucky enough to travel, both on my own and with friends, partners and family and I love that I have the freedom to do this. I also love that I've been able to do this despite being a poor uni student for most of the time. My next stops (this year) shall be Hong Kong, New York, the Gili Islands and (back to) Melbourne.

Myself at the Monument to the Murders Jews
of Europe in Berlin.

(Wow I decided to be thankful for TEN things?!)

8. The freedom of physical expression:

Ambiguous statements for the win. Ok, so this requires some explanation. This is my being thankful for the fact that in this day and age, and in my country I can act and dress as I wish. Further than that - I can get tattoos and dye my hair purple on the spur of the moment, and I am not persecuted for it (even as a lawyer!)

Sometimes there's nothing left to do, but dance.

My response to my Father's suicide was to do
one last thing to annoy him - read at his funeral with
purple hair ;)

9. The Love of good men:

That isn't meant to sound dodgy. Although I am very thankful for that kind of loving too ;) I have amazing men in my life. They occupy different roles; they may be a lover, a best friend, a soul mate, a big brother. They all protect me, and they all tell me I'm a "Silly Gypsy".

Be you lover or best friend, you're still likely to get roped into
performing with me at some point - that role at least, is consistent.

10. THESE shoes:

On a lighter, final note - oh go oh god oh god I love them. Right here, right now: they make me happy.

This list is in no way exhaustive. I could name 10 things a day and probably get 9 months into the year before faltering. It's a great activity to do - So, what are you thankful for?

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